La Canasta De Vida Survives All Obstacles
As we look back at the past two years, we wonder how in the world the restaurant La Canasta De Vida survived, but we don’t wonder for too long, we just have to remember that it’s God’s restaurant. It survived the Covid-19 pandemia with all its ramifications of not being able to open the doors for service for a couple of months, of having to go to virtual menus, receiving orders over the phone and of having to deliver the orders.
Then in the latter part of 2021, hurricanes Eta and Iota devastated the area of Santa Barbara, destroying all the pipes that brought water into the town, leaving us without water for several months. Imagine running a restaurant without water?! But by God’s grace, hard work and ingenuity we did it! In fact, the customers would exclaim, “You are the only ones that have water and the use of the bathrooms… Thank you!”
Then, at the beginning of the year came the biggest challenge — Having to move the restaurant from that central location where we had been for almost ten years. Where would we go, Lord?! We looked all around town, but the majority of buildings were too expensive or just not in the right place. Then out of nowhere the Lord said, “Look one door down at the abandoned Catholic radio station.” We looked, but the building was in shambles, a lot of work to do in a very short time.
And to make matters worse, all this was taking place while I was in the United States looking after Joe at the hospital. Rene was keeping me posted. He said the place had possibilities and our customers would not have to go far, but it would require a lot of work. He sent me the following photos. All I could do was pray. Here are the before and after pictures: