Ministry Matters — June 2023
- My dear M.M.M. family, I’m so thankful that I could take some time off to be able to write this newsletter and share a little of all that is happening here in Honduras. I want you to know that all this is made possible because God hears and answers your prayers on behalf of this ministry. He takes those funds that you sacrificially donate with love and multiplies them to further the gospel, and takes us feeble instruments to be His hand, His feet, and mouthpiece, to communicate His love to humanity. Thank you!
- By God’s grace I’m still very active. Some wonder how in the world I can manage the outpost, church school, industry, restaurant and church activities. All I can say is that God gives me the strength and He is faithful to send me the help I need. My constant prayer is that the Lord will provide an Elisha to take over this ministry when it is time. Please pray with me to that end.
- We still need to finish the house of prayer in San Manuel, as well as other building projects. If there are any carpenters or construction friends that want to come and give us a hand, please contact me at mmm.mmtc@yahoo.com.
- I always appreciate your notes of love and encouragement. You can still send them to the same address at P.O. Box 390, Keysville, VA. 23947. I may not get them right away, but I sure do get them when I need them most… Thank you!
“Brethren pray at home, in your family, night and morning, pray earnestly in your closet, and while engaged in your daily labors, lift up the soul to God in prayer. It was thus that Enoch walked with God. The silent fervent prayer of the soul will rise like holy incense to the throne of grace and will be as acceptable to God as if offered in the sanctuary. To all who thus seek him, Christ becomes a present help in time of need. They will be strong in the day of trial.”
AH 212
Prayer Corner
Please pray for…
- Gladys R. and family
- Gayle Johnson and family
- Joe Willis Jr. (Joe’s son)
- The work being done in the village of San Manuel and other villages
- Waleska and Gaby
- For strength and wisdom to treat all the patients that continually come here to the outpost sanitarium
- God’s people around the world, that we may be prepared to stand for God and His truth