God’s Industry Still Moves Forward
“We are living amidst the perils of the last days, and the Lord desires His people to establish industries.”
HFM 60
“No line of manual labor is of more value than agriculture. He who earns his livelihood by agriculture escapes many temptations and enjoys unnumbered privileges and blessings denied to those whose work lies in the great cities.”
CG 356
Some wonder why I go to all the effort of keeping “Organics of Santa Barbara” going. My answer is, “Because it’s something that God counsels us to do and He established it.” He opened the doors to the major supermarkets in San Pedro Sula. It gives jobs to the young men in the church and the people in the village. And, it’s an opportunity to be a witness in those supermarkets in the city.

Froilan, the young man happy in the middle of the lettuce patch, was baptized 4 years ago and gave up a “good” job in order to keep the Sabbath, not knowing that God had plans for him. God is faithful! Now Froilan would not change the agriculture work for any other job in this world.