I Knew I was Going to Die
Dear friends,
Let me introduce you to Oracio; a feisty kind of fellow, to say the least.
I first met Oracio when I would go and give Bible studies to his sister-in-law, Dinora. They live next door to each other. Oracio would see me coming towards the house with my Bible in hand, and he would quickly gather his things together, just in time to leave as I was coming through the door. He did this every time he saw me.
Well, not long ago, Oracio ended up at the clinic. I will now share with you his testimony in his own words, translated into English.
Oracio’s Story
I was about to die. For four weeks, I had not been able to eat. I didn’t even want to see food, because everything I ate would come back up… Even looking at food made me nauseous.
I could not walk by myself because of dizziness, I was weak. I felt horrible. I went to the doctors, and they examined me and took all types of lab tests, from urine to blood.
All of the lab test results were off the charts… Extremely high. Especially my creatinine levels. The normal levels in an adult male is 0.6 to 1.2 milligrams per deciliter; my creatinine leave was 9.8.
My family began to panic, and then Dinora, my sister-in-law remembered Dona Elsa. She called her, read the test results to her, and I heard Dona Elsa say, “His body needs to be detoxified,” and proceeded to give her the methods they used.
Meanwhile, my other sister called the specialist in San Pedro Sula (one from one of the finest hospitals) and read to him the test results and he immediately said, “He needs to come in right away for dialysis in order to detoxify his system.”
When I heard him say “detoxify”, the same thing Dona Elsa had said, I said “Take me to Dona Elsa’s Maranatha Clinic.” I was so weak, my brother and friends literally had to carry me up the steps of the clinic.
I knew I was about to die. Every breath was an effort. My friends tried to press upon me to go to the big city hospital and go through the dialysis treatments, but I told them, “I am going to trust God and do what I believe will work, and with those whom I trust. If I die, I will die here at this clinic, because I know that they will do their best to heal me, so don’t blame anyone, this is my decision.”

Immediately, Ariel began treatments on Oracio; starting with a change of diet, charcoal drinks, charcoal poultices to the kidneys, hot fomentations, and hot baths. Oracio also received many mud packs. All of these treatments were used to draw out the toxins from the body. With much prayer, and diligent labor… God’s method of healing was a success.

When Oracio was carried up to the clinic, he could not walk, and could hardly breathe.
After only a few short weeks, Oracio is now healthy and strong. He does not need dialysis treatments, because his organs have all been detoxified. He now enjoys walking nearly five miles per day. I’m sure he’s going to miss those body mud packs :).
“The Savior, in His miracles, revealed the power that is continually at work in man’s behalf to sustain and to heal him. Through the agencies of nature God is working day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment, to keep us alive, to build up and restore us… When one recovers from disease, it is God who restores him.”
We worked hard with Oracio, knowing that his case was critical; you see, once the creatinine rises above 5.0, there is irreparable damage to the kidneys, but we believed that God could heal him.
In the pictures below, you see Froilan, one of our recently baptized members, giving Oracio neutral baths and hot fomentations around the kidney area. This young man volunteered to learn and then to do the treatments.

Now, Oracio loves to give testimony of what God has done for him and how He healed him. But, the greatest testimony is that of what God has done in transforming his life.

For you see, before coming to the clinic, Oracio was a well known womanizer, drinker, smoker, etc… But, as we had worship services with him and the other patients, the Word of God would bring conviction to his heart… And I saw Oracio being changed by God’s amazing grace.
A thankful wife came to me with tears of joy, saying that God has given her a new husband. Praise the Lord! They now both come up to the La Zona church every Sabbath.
“In the ministry of healing, the physician is to be a coworker with Christ. The Saviour ministered to both the soul and the body. The gospel which He taught was a message of spiritual life and of physical restoration. Deliverance from sin and the healing of disease were linked together.”
M.H. p. 36
Dear friends, continue to pray for us, because as a result of Oracio’s miraculous healing, everyone is knocking down at our doors seeking treatment.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Thank you.