The Miracle of Complete Restoration

If the sick can be led to fix their eyes in faith upon the Mighty Healer, we shall see wonderful results…
M.H. p, 36
Over the years we have seldom seen the results of our labors; even though the Lord has wrought miraculous healings to the majority of those who come to this outpost for treatments. Many come for treatments, yet leave to go home within an hour or two, and we can only hope and pray that the treatments given will bring about healing.
How wonderful it is when God allows us to see first hand His miraculous healing power. This past year one of our patients, Don Cesar, came with numerous health problems. As is typical with many that come here for treatment, they come as a last resort, realizing that conventional treatments has not helped them. Mr. Cesar was determined to abide with whatever treatment plan we had for him… the System Detox, Hydrotherapy, Complete Change in Diet (He became a happy Vegan), and a daily Exercise Program.
Friends, you can see the results of what can (and did) happen in only three weeks of faithful obedience to God’s health laws and His methods of healing. Mr. Cesar was ever so thankful, that he chose to spend his 65th birthday with us at the clinic. His wife and children gave testimony of how even his attitude and character traits have changed for the better. Only God can make such a change.