Cooking Expo in San Luis Planes
The church members were excited to see the outcome of the Health Expo and were ready and willing to begin plans for the cooking expo. We divided into four different groups — bread making, sprouting and salads, main courses, and plant-based milks.

I was in the group that taught and demonstrated the plant-based milks. The people were amazed that you could make milk out of sesame, pumpkin seeds, soy beans, and Alpiste (bird seed), and that they were so nutritious and delicious. They were amazed at the whole cooking demonstration. Praise the Lord!

In the quotes below, we have some wonderful counsel for evangelism, and by God’s grace we want to follow His counsel.
Wherever the truth is presented, the people are to be taught how to prepare food in a simple, yet appetizing way. They are to be shown that a nourishing diet can be provided without the use of flesh foods. Teach the people that it is better to know how to keep well than how to cure disease.
9T p. 161
I have been instructed to encourage the conducting of cooking schools in all places where medical missionary work is being done. Every inducement to lead the people to reform must be held out before them. Let as much light as possible shine upon them. Teach them to make every improvement in the preparation of food.
7T p. 113