Children’s Crusade
The children are always so special. Oh how I wish you could be here to see their faces, their need, and their joy at seeing that someone cares for them. These children are from a village called Tencoa, where one of our church families got stuck during the pandemic and shortly after with the hurricanes. But, I believe it was all by God’s providence.
Since the pandemic began, Emilio, his wife Elodia, and two children decided to invite the neighborhood children for a “Bible Story Hour” on Sabbath afternoon. To their surprise, the children would eagerly arrive every Sabbath afternoon, and they would bring a friend.

At this same time, my faithful friend and supporter of M.M.M., Kathy Haller, contacted me saying that she wanted her children’s Sabbath school in Decatur, Arkansas to have a mission project where they could actually see where their offerings were being sent.

I told her about the children of Tencoa and she right away started working on a box of crafts, clothes, and Sabbath school materials to be sent for them. Money was also sent so we could buy chairs. With Kathy’s enthusiasm, the whole Decatur church jumped on board to support Kathy’s Honduras Mission project.

The La Zona house of prayer began plans to support Emilio with the Tencoa Branch Sabbath School by holding a Children’s Crusade. And yes friends, the children from the Decatur church could see how, with their Sabbath school offerings, they were helping these children here in Honduras learn more about God and His word.

It was a very exciting and exhausting week for our volunteers, but definitely worth the effort. The theme was “The God of Creation”. Every night the children learned new songs, memory verses, how to eat healthy snacks, the days of creation, and ending with the seventh day Sabbath.

The Children’s Crusade… A Success!
Oh dear friends, God blessed all the sacrifices and efforts. The children learned about health, who made this world, that Saturday is the day of rest, that Jesus is soon coming to take us home, and that we need to be obedient and keep His commandments. Thank the Lord for His providence in the village of Tencoa. Please remember them in your prayers.

Not Forgetting the Children

And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3