Starting New Frontiers
Friends, being under God’s guidance and direction is like starting a new adventure every day. The Lord wants us to plan, but He does not want us to move forward without His direction. Being at the outpost has been such a blessing, we are high up in the mountains but surrounded by even higher mountains. There is such a sense of peace quiet and safety.
Since the pandemic people from all over are searching to find property far out in the mountainous country side. I personally found no need to be looking for property, because where the outpost is, there is everything we could ask for, but we must remember that we are in God’s hands and we must follow His leadings at all times.
Not long ago one of the workers informed me that there was property for sale in a place called, San Luis Planes, a village an hour away from our village. Quite frankly I wasn’t interested, because as I mentioned we are quite content being in the mountains of La Zona; nevertheless the young man was persistent that I should take a look at this property.
Their eagerness and insistence sparked my curiosity and I began to ask questions: What is the size of the property? What is their asking price? And does it have water? The young man began to smile and answer my questions. He informed me that the property was ten manzanas, which is equivalent to a little over 24 acres. He said that there were rolling hills, but also flat land for agriculture and construction of buildings. He also stated that there is water on the property itself, and what really sparked my attention is when he told me the price… The owner was asking a fraction of what others were asking for the same amount of property. You see, San Luis Planes is known for being very expensive and for not having much water. Now it was time for me to fall on my knees and pray. After much earnest prayer, I decided to go take a look at this property.

The trip there was pleasant, but the roads became more steep and treacherous as we got close to the property. Now it was time to park the truck and start walking. The pathway to the property was rough and uneven, but the young men were there to assist me. Upon arriving at the entrance of the property I was surprised to see the beautiful greenery all around and the fertile ground; I inspected further and sure enough there was plenty of water for agriculture. The owner, a nice elderly man was there with me as I looked over the property. Still, I found it hard to believe that he would sell this portion of his land for such a small price. After talking further with the gentleman I learned that he simply wanted to sell most of his properties and retire.

We enjoyed our time there, but it was now time to return to my prayer room. Surprisingly I felt a sense of calmness, and that it was the Lord directing me to move forward and purchase this property. I didn’t know exactly what God has in mind, but I knew that He had reserved that property for His work, and to grow the food we need at this time.