Opening Doors for the Truth
Friends, M.M.M. is now in the process of establishing another branch of the Lord’s work in San Luis Planes. Since the purchase of this property, M.M.M., along with the members of the La Zona house of prayer began plans for a Health Expo. Right in the middle of our plans, a family of three were diagnosed positive with the covid-19 and two of them died that same week in San Luis Planes.
The people in this village were deeply concerned with the fact that we were having a community health expo during this outbreak. Naturally it would behoove us to cancel the planned meetings. However, after much prayer God impressed us to move forward without hesitancy. The fact is, we were going to present exactly what this community needed to counteract additional outbreaks of this deadly virus — the Eight Laws of Health that God gave His people to maintain a strong immune system.
Word must have gotten around that these missionaries from La Zona were going to give them important information which would prevent them from contracting the virus. Although we abided by the community leaders’ protocol, throughout the day, each of our Eight Law’s of Health sections were filled with interested people.
The Health Expo was a tremendous success, so much so that the community invited us to come back and share more information with them. Once again the right arm of the three angels message has opened the doors to share God’s health message and His truths for this time in yet another village.