Precious Memories
What a joy when Nelly and her mother arrived at the outpost, what a beautiful, smiling, sweet girl she is. All the memories of that day…

We received a frantic phone call from the mountains above, asking us to please have the Isuzu ready by the side of the road, because they were bringing down a young woman through the fields, about to give birth to her baby.
We quickly got ready and then they called again, saying that they didn’t think she was going to make it down on time. Thankfully, Ruby one of our volunteers, remembered the training she had received from our previous visiting mid-wives.

She gathered together the birthing materials and we rushed up to the field where they had laid down the worried young mother. Ruby, a bit nervous said a word of prayer and proceeded to deliver a new life into this world. A little baby was born, who would be named Nelly, and yes, she is now a beautiful happy six year old little girl.
Jesus loves the children and watches over them, and also watches how parents treat them. May we always be kind to the little ones, for they are the future servants of God.

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