Ministry Matters — November 2023
Dear M.M.M family,
I want to thank you for all your prayers, support, and concern for me and this ministry. God has been faithful in blessing every effort, but I realize that I cannot manage everything by myself. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could join me in prayer for the following needs:
- A capable and experienced administrator is needed for the vegan restaurant — La Canasta de Vida.
- A capable and experienced administrator with knowledge of organic gardening is needed for the “Organics of Santa Barbara” industry.
- Someone with knowledge of opening roads in mountainous terrain is needed.
- We are also looking for someone experienced in cabin construction who can help teach the young
men here.
I appreciate your continued support and prayers for this ministry. Thank you.
Elsa WhatsApp # +1504-95637917, mmm.mmtc@yahoo.com
Prayer Corner
“’If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you.’ When you pray, present this promise. It is our privilege to come to Him with holy boldness. As in sincerity we ask Him to let His light shine upon us, He will hear and answer us. But we must be in harmony with our prayers.” Prayer 50.1
- Prayer for all that are connected with Maranatha Medical Ministries
- Joe Jr, his wellbeing, and his salvation
- For all of our children
- The new church in San Manuel
- God’s people around the world
- Those that are suffering as a result of wars
- For Jesus to come