Giving to Others

Don Luis wanted to draw closer to God. He had recently retired from the army and wanted to figure out what to do with his life. When he witnessed how we reach out to the children in the mountains, he came back to the outpost excited and told his friend, “Now I know what I’m supposed to do with the rest of my life. I’ve found my purpose!”
He couldn’t thank us enough for how well he felt physically and for his newfound purpose. Before heading back to the United States, he asked us to get the shoe sizes of all the children and since school was about to begin, he wanted to give them all a backpack with all the needed school supplies.
A month later he was back as he promised to give out the backpacks, just in time for classes. Wish you could’ve been here to see the happy faces of the children when they saw those colorful back packs! Now they were ready for school 🙂
We thank the Lord for using the outpost sanitarium to inspire people like Don Luis with the spirit of service and of giving to others.