2021 Newsletter,  Outreach

A Blessed Work

The elderly are use to sleeping on thin mattresses placed upon wooden slabs, but oh how happy they were to experience the comfort of sleeping on a new bed. How wonderful it is to be used by Christ, to be a blessing to others.

There are many souls to be saved. Often you will need to begin your work by feeding the hungry, by ministering to their bodily necessities. This will give you an opportunity to minister to the necessities of the soul. Thus the way is prepared for the uplifting of Christ. With those who do this work because the Lord has given it to them to do, hunting for the lost sheep, speaking loving words in season and out of season, helping the needy, telling them of the wonderful love that Jesus has for them, the Saviour is always present, impressing the hearts of the poor, the miserable, the wretched, with their need.

{ ST May 30, 1900, par. 5 }

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