The ABC’s a Must!
“In all our churches, and wherever there is a company of believers, church schools should be established, and in these schools, there should be teachers with a true missionary spirit, for the children are to be trained to become missionaries. These schools, established in different localities and conducted by God fearing men and women, as the case demands, should be built upon the same principles as were the schools of the prophets.”
PH 140
After reading a statement like the one above, there is nothing more to do, then to obey and move forward by faith to make it happen. I shared the quotation at church and all the parents and members agreed to make sacrifices of their time and conveniences to make the church school a reality. So dear friends, we’re back in school! And it sure brings back memories of years ago when we started M.I.C.E (Maranatha Institute of Christian Education).

But we remember Jesus’ words, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” We realize the agenda that the world has for our children, and we must save them from all the false teachings and the perverted influences of the world. We opened up the school at the outpost with eight precious but challenging little ones. The classes are from Monday through Thursday. I teach them English and Bible and the mothers are assisting with the rest of the classes.
“While the Bible should hold the first place in the education of children and youth, the book of nature is next in importance. A return to simpler methods will be appreciated by children and youth. Work in the garden and field will be an agreeable change from the wearisome routine of abstract lessons, to which their young minds should never be confined… God has, in the natural world, placed in the hands of the children of men the key to unlock the treasure house of His word.”
Education p. 61