Thank You Lord!
One of Joe’s last statements was: “Thank you Lord!” I too want to chorus those sentiments.
- Thank you, Lord, for my M.M.M. family and friends, for their prayers, love and support.
- Thank you, Lord, for putting it in my heart to take care of my husband in his need.
- Thank you for loving volunteers, Jhojana & Ariel and Jeny who helped me so much.
- Thank you for allowing Joe to come back to Honduras, and for giving us four and a half months of quality time together.
- Thank you, Lord, that he was able to celebrate his last birthday with me in Honduras.
- Thank you that in his condition his mind was on family and the Sabbath.
- Thank you Lord for giving Joe a peaceful death.
- Thank you for the strength that you give me.
- Thank you for the hope that is in Christ Jesus, and for the blessed hope of His second coming.
- Thank you, Lord, for all that you have done with us through the years. For your faithfulness dear Father.
And thank you dear friends, for allowing me to share this special newsletter with you. I pray that it will be a blessing and inspiration of God’s goodness and what He has done. With love and prayers to my M.M.M. family.

“It is prayer that unites hearts. It is prayer to the great physician to heal the soul that will bring the blessing of God. Prayer unites us with one another and with God. Prayer brings Jesus to our side and gives new strength and fresh grace to the fainting perplexed soul to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil.”
Prayer Corner Requests

- Let us pray for the dear people of Russia and Ukraine, specially those of our faith.
- For our children and family members who are living without Christ.
- For strength to finish the work God has assigned us to do.
- For wisdom to make right decisions in these last days.
- Please pray for our missions in San Manuel and Piedra Hancha.
- Let us pray for one another as we face the situations that are coming upon this world.