2022 Newsletter,  Ministry Matters

Ministry Matters — August 2022

  • A special thank you! To those of you that take time to write little notes, we may not receive them right away, but when we get them, they are a boost of encouragement to us.
  • Dear M.M.M. family, I’m requesting your prayers. The early part of this year I had to fly back to the States because Joe had been taken to the hospital in serious condition. It took almost two months for him to recuperate and get his strength back, but he was left with dementia. I knew I had to bring him back with me. It’s a challenging situation, but I know that God knows and whatever He permits is for our salvation. I’m praying that with the fresh air, fresh fruits and healthy environment he will improve, and when the machete cuts arrive, Joe is ready to help suture. ; )
  • I want to thank God for the volunteers, Johana and Ariel, Jenifer, and brother Gerber; we would not be able to accomplish all that we do without their help. They are what I call semi-permanent volunteers because they still have to go back to their countries for months at a time, but they are self-sacrificing. They understand the work and the purposes of M.M.M. and when here, they give a hundred percent.
  • This area of Honduras has had an unusual amount of rain this year, which has made it impossible to work on clearing a road to the new property in San Luis Planes. But meanwhile, we are planting plenty of fruit trees, plantains, bananas, plumb trees, peaches, avocados, etc.. I have asked the young man that is helping us to plant all the food possible — potatoes, yucca, yams, taro root, beans, corn, and other vegetables. We realize that a crisis is coming and there will be a shortage of food, and we should do all we can to plant and prepare so that we may help others.

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