Thank You Fletcher Academy
I am so thankful to God for touching hearts that are willing to serve and help others. Our friends from Fletcher Academy come to Honduras every year. Some help with construction, others teach English at the different schools, and of course there is always the dental team.
They usually have their itinerary all worked out, and it’s a busy one. But, they never forget us. They love to come to the outpost and there are always plenty of people needing teeth pulled out.
This year was no different. From early in the morning until late afternoon, the people came from the surrounding villages to get their teeth checked out. It is truly a blessing to be able to offer these services to all the mountain villagers, who otherwise might not ever get the opportunity to have their teeth examined.
One thing I appreciate about these dear doctors is that they are gentle and kind with their patients.
You know how traumatic a visit to the dentist can be. Well, not with these dentists, they make sure to explain everything they are going to do, and make sure the person is well anesthetized before they start pulling teeth.
The Lord intends that all His children use all of their skills, knowledge and training to benefit those that are less fortunate than themselves. We should be willing to do for others what we would want done for us if we were in similar circumstances.
The young people from the academy are very well behaved and
happy to be able to help others.
On Sabbath afternoons they love to take that long hike to the new church in Piedra Hancha, where they share their singing talents, and also help with means so that the church can finish the last construction touch-ups that are needed. They appreciate the fact that the house of prayer was built by the sacrifice of its young members.
May God bless our brothers and sisters from Fletcher Academy, for their willingness to give of themselves.
What a blessing they were to M.M.M..
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