La Canasta De Vida Restaurant
“God has qualified His people to enlighten the world. He has entrusted them with faculties by which they are to extend His work until it shall encircle the globe. In all parts of the earth, they are to establish sanitariums, schools, publishing houses, and kindred facilities for the accomplishment of His work. The closing message of the gospel is to be carried to “every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.” Revelation 14:6.
In foreign countries many enterprises for the advancement of this message must yet be begun and carried forward. The opening of hygienic restaurants and treatment rooms, and the establishment of sanitariums for the care of the sick and the suffering. In many lands medical missions are to be established to act as God’s helping hand in ministering to the afflicted.”
Testimonies for the Church 7:51. { CME 30.2 }
We are thankful that the restaurant is like a haven for many. They come to relax, eat something healthy, hear encouraging words and listen to soft spiritual music that soothes their troubled souls.

In this time of crisis in Honduras, having a treatment room on the second floor is also a blessing. Many people are stressed and worn out and with a simple massage or a steam treatment… they say that they feel like new, but we know it’s God’s healing touch that makes the difference.
“Vegetarian restaurants, treatment rooms, cooking schools, are to be established. The people are to be taught how to prepare wholesome food. They are to be educated by showing the need of discarding tea, coffee, and flesh meat.”
7 MR, 398
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