A Memorial for God in San Manuel
“When an interest is aroused in any town or city, that interest should be followed up. The place should be thoroughly worked, until a humble house of worship stands as a sign, a memorial of God’s Sabbath, a light amid the moral darkness. These memorials are to stand in many places as witnesses to the truth… Whenever a company of believers is raised up, a house of worship should be built. Let not the workers leave the place without accomplishing this.”
Evangelism p. 375
Brothers and sisters, it’s a great news that another house of worship is being built as a memorial for the truth in San Manuel. The church family from La Zona has been working hard to make this happen and we are grateful to God for providing the means to do it. However, it has been a challenging journey given the difficult terrain and heavy rainy season. Despite all the hurdles, we are happy to announce that the roof is finally up on the new house of prayer.

The picture above shows some of the members who were baptized from the village of San Manuel. They are thrilled to have a house of prayer for God, a memorial for His truth in their village. The photos below show everyone working together to make it happen. Although everyone is tired, they are happy to be a part of this project.

Stay tuned, because our goal is to have the inauguration of this new memorial for God before the end of the year. How I wish you all could be here! But we’ll be sure to keep you posted on all that is being done in this exciting work for the Lord in this part of the vineyard. As always, we solicit your prayers.