Fruit in San Manuel
The year 2017 was a busy year of evangelism. We conducted three evangelistic crusades for children, lots of Bible studies and visitations, and of course there were weekly trips to the mountain village of San Manuel.
We are thankful to the young people for being willing to pack their backpacks with the things needed to minister there. You see, San Manuel is very cool, very steep, and you have to rough it out. Our members did treatments when needed, they taught, they preached, and the Lord blest us to see the fruit of our labors with another baptism. Praise His Holy Name!
Here is a photo of this beautiful family of new believers in San Manuel. They faithfully meet every Sabbath in spite of criticism from family members and neighbors. They say they don’t mind. They have found something more precious and that is the truth of God’s word.

Our Church members from La Zona have been assigned to go to this village every other Sabbath to encourage and support these new believers and to continue to share God’s message with others.
Do you remember your baptism day? What was the most memorable thing about it? Please do share below, would love to hear about it 🙂