April 2018 Greetings
Greetings Dear Friends,
Wishing you God’s richest blessings. Always happy to be able to share the experiences here in this part of the vineyard. Thank the Lord for His grace and mercy, in such a world of chaos and disarray, God is still working in people’s lives and He is still touching hearts.
The following quotation talks about the state of affairs, but take courage friends, God is still on the throne, and His coming is soon.
“We are living in the midst of an epidemic of crime… the corruption that prevails, it is beyond the power of the human pen to describe. Every day brings fresh revelations of political strife, bribery, and fraud… Every day testifies to the increase of insanity, murder, and suicide. What can doubt that satanic agencies are at work among men with increasing activity to distract and corrupt the mind, and defile and destroy the body?
And while the world is filled with these evils, the gospel is too often presented in so indifferent a manner as to make but little impression upon the consciences or the lives of men. Everywhere there are hearts crying out for something which they have not. They long for a power that will give them mastery over sin, a power that will deliver them from the bondage of evil, a power that will give health and life and peace.
The world needs today what it needed nineteen hundred years ago—a revelation of Christ. A great work of reform is demanded, and it is only through the grace of Christ that the work of restoration, physical, mental, and spiritual, can be accomplished.”
MH. 143.2
This has always been our goal here at M.M.M. — To be God’s assistants in bringing to mankind complete restoration. God is faithful as we minister to those in need, it is a blessed work which He wants all of us to do. Christ commits to His followers an individual work,—a work that cannot be done by proxy. Ministry to the sick and the poor, the giving of the gospel to the lost, is not to be left to committees or organized charities. Individual responsibility, individual effort, personal sacrifice, is the requirement of the gospel.
The Ministry of Healing, 147.
May you be blessed as you read this newsletter and meet some of the precious souls that God has allowed us to minister to. Sit back and enjoy!
If you have any questions, comments, or need help, please let us know and we will see how we can respond! God bless.