Helping Hands… Fletcher Academy
“It will come to pass that before they call, I will answer: and while they are still speaking, I will hear.”
Isaiah 65:24
Dear friends, God is so good and faithful. He always sends the help we need when we need it most and when we least expect it. As you can imagine, here in the mission field there is always something that needs to be done, whether it is maintenance, agriculture, help in the church, the restaurant, evangelism, etcetera.

Well, one of the projects we have on the table right now is the construction of a new house of prayer, a monument for God in the village of San Manuel. The first week in March, I received the following message in my e-mail…
“I am Bill Bass, with Fletcher Academy. Several years ago, when we came to the Hogar de Ninos we also came and helped support your ministry with painting some buildings and bringing our dental team up. We will be in the country March 9-19. Are there some ways we can help you?”
The message brought tears of joy to my eyes. “Is there some way we can help?” I immediately thought of San Manuel!! God knows our needs and he has people that remember us here in Honduras and are willing to lend a helping hand. Praise the Lord for Fletcher Academy for inspiring their young people to serve.

I quickly responded to Bill’s e-mail, letting him know about the project in San Manuel, and on March 14, the missionary teams arrived — the dental team of 10 headed by Doctor Yoon and the 10 men construction team. The experience was an adventure for them and a blessing for the people in San Manuel. Both the teams worked hard all day long. The dental team saw over fifty people that day, and those boys worked hard under the hot sun with picks and shovels breaking ground for the new church.

You never know how God can use you to be a blessing to someone. This story was told to me the next day. One of the men who lives near the construction sight was helping out, and decided that the Americans might enjoy having some wild honey. The fellow climbed up a tree to bring them a honeycomb dripping with delicious honey. The brother in charge of construction was impressed and before leaving that day he decided to give the fellow the lempiras (Honduran currency) he had in his pocket.
The man was so touched because he had prayed that day for his family, not knowing how he was going to provide for their needs. The family was able to eat that day from the food we had fixed, and God used someone all the way from the United States to provide for his needs for the rest of the week. God is good!