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Love for God, Zeal for His Glory, and Love for Humanity
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Carol J Lamb
I have received the 6 books ordered on yesterday. There has been a late joiner to the group and therefore, I need one more book (HEALING EDIBLES). How quickly can you send it? With the delay in the order of 6, it seems you waited to see if my check was good. Would it be quicker to get a money order? I am not totally without as a friend has loaned me her copy and I can use that until this last one arrives.
Thank you and God bless your ministry,
Patricia Hope
I’ve been a reader of your blog for around 4 months and I would like first of all to say that I really enjoy it.
Would be great if you can add audio versions of your articles as that would make them easier to consume for me and for others.
Thereby I’ve a favor to ask. Is it possible for you to add podcast audio version of your articles?
It would be very useful for people like me or others who like to listen to your content.
I’ve researched on that a bit and I found few free services that can help to do that.
Here are the websites that I found that can add podcast to your site for free, maybe there are more but I found these two.
Patricia Hope
Hello Patricia! Thank you for being a consistent reader 🙂 Sorry for this very late reply, but I do appreciate your suggestion. I will contact the head of this ministry and let her know about these services. Thank you again!
Estoria Patton
Dear Elsa and MMM you are in my prayers and I believe you are obeying God’s will. Stop sending me the paper newsletters. Simply do a short report on line via e-mail to me.
Please say a prayer for the salvation of my son, daughter, grandson and son-in-law. Also for my health. I have 5 eye conditions. I am 77 years old.
Hi I just wondered if you are ok. I think you are both doing marvellous. work. May God continue to bless
your ministry