2021 Newsletter

Greetings Dear Friends

Wishing you God’s richest blessings. I’m thankful for this opportunity to share with you at least a little of all that God permits us to do here in the mission field.

Writing with much love from the village of La Zona Honduras where the work of God never ends. Amidst pandemics, hurricanes, covid outbreaks, and whatever else the enemy tries to throw our way, you can be sure that God’s work keeps moving forward with more zeal and determination.

“Christians have an important work to do in this world. Their light is to shine forth to those who are in darkness. The gospel is to be preached to every creature. They are to imitate the example of Christ; his words and actions are to be their pattern. They are to bear his image, and follow him in all his ways. He lived not for himself; his life was spent in doing good to others, and his children are to follow where he has led the way. With their labors, their prayers, and their money they are to bless those who need help. In the world, but not of the world, they are to work as Christ worked, representing him by a sanctified life. But in this work they must have the fear of God, which his word tells us is the beginning of wisdom.”         

{RH, February 2, 1897 par. 13}

It is also our desire to work as Christ worked; helping all who are in need of Christ’s healing love and compassion, to this end were we called, and so are we all.

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