2023 Newsletter,  Outreach

Greetings — June 2023

My dear M.M.M. family,

I truly thank the Lord upon every remembrance of you. Thank you for your prayers and patience in waiting to receive these newsletters. I wish I could communicate with you more often, but there is so much work to do. The words of Jesus found in John 9:4 become very real, “I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day; the night cometh, when no man can work.”

“It is our duty to watch and work and wait, to labor every moment for the souls of men that are ready to perish. We are to keep walking continually in the footsteps of Jesus, working in His lines, dispensing His gifts as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” FCE p. 73

I am always anxious to share all the exciting and challenging adventures that the Lord places before us. The new year here began with new projects, plans, and goals. But how quickly time goes by that the year is about halfway through. Brothers and sisters in the Lord’s work, there are no idle moments. There is always plenty of work to do.

“There is missionary work to be done in many unpromising places. The missionary spirit needs to take hold of our souls, inspiring us to reach classes for whom we had not planned to labor and in ways and places that we had no idea of working. The Lord has His plan for the sowing of the gospel seed.“ Maranatha p. 104

We have discovered that the missionary spirit is contagious. You see, when we have patients here at the outpost, we allow them to accompany us on our Sabbath afternoon outreach activities, and when they go, they become inspired. Many of them have offered to help support these activities, and even come back to the outpost, just so they can go with us on those visits to the different villages.

One of those patients is Don Luis Castro. He is originally from Honduras but has lived in the United States for years. He came to the outpost through a mutual friend whose mother had previously come here for treatments. Don Luis was very anxious to come. He needed to strengthen his immune system and recover emotionally after the passing of his mother from a terminal illness.

The story isn’t over! Click here to read the continuation 🙂

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